Your core region makes up the muscles of your back, abdominals, glutes and pelvic region. It influences how you lift objects, support your neck and shoulders, and move your legs. As you can see, a strong core is not only critical to every fat-blasting, body-shaping program-it's critical for life.
The good news is that building a strong core is blissfully simple.
Forget seeing a chiropractor. You may not even need posture-supporting pillows and padding. For most people, the path to a strong, tension-free core is right at your fingertips.
Ready to start working your core muscles? In this post you'll learn how to use a balance ball, achieve proper form, engage your core muscles daily, and figure out what "engaging the core" even means!
No-Frills Core Workout
Just about any exercise you do can strengthen your core if you "engage" your core muscles. That includes walking, riding your bike, even gardening and cleaning the house. As you get stronger, you'll start engaging your core out of habit-even while driving and sitting at work-for an effortless workout.
While this is a good start, your routine should contain targeted core work, as well. Roll out your exercise mat at home and target your core with crunches, push-ups, planks, bicycle maneuver and scissor kicks.
Core Stability Balance Ball
The balance ball is a "core" part of your core workout. This 65cm burst-resistant ball lets you double your workout power by performing ab-engaging movements on the ball, such as hip lifts, dumbbell presses, anterior roll outs and crunches.
When we said strengthening your core could be easy, we weren't joking: you can literally get a core workout just by sitting on the balance ball. That's because it requires core engagement to balance. Snag a little extra "core" time by sitting on the ball at your desk or while watching TV.
Am I Getting A Core Workout?
When you perform any type of exercise, you should be tapping into your core power. That's how you'll become stronger and prevent back, neck and shoulder discomfort. So it's essential to become familiar with an "engaged" core and correct posture, especially on the balance ball.
Correct posture: Your torso should be upright and tailbone tucked slightly under. The back should not be arched back or hunched forward. If you experience pain, readjust your form.
Engaging your core: Once you become stronger, you'll easily be able to feel your core muscles working. It starts with contracting the inner muscles of your core, primarily in your abdominal region. You'll stand up straight, tuck your tailbone under, lift your chest, and bring your waist in. It should feel almost like taking a deep breath and holding, but you aren't holding your breath-you're holding your abs strong.
Sitting on the ball: Sit slightly toward the front of the ball rather than right on top, so that your thighs slope downwards at a 90 degree angle. Start small (30 minutes at a time) and build your way up (to 1-2 hours, even up to 8, daily).
You can double your exercise results and feel better every day, simply by strengthening your core. If you already have a balance ball, you should definitely make it part of your core routine. If you don't, pick one up at IdealShape!
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