Great soccer fitness training can elevate your game helping you accomplish the next level of play or the next level of your career. The right program from a good trainer or coach can be the difference between going pro and leaving it all behind after college or high school. When considering soccer fitness training, it's important to understand the basics to make sure your training is as well rounded as possible. It's important to make sure you are hitting on all the most important areas of training, including the proper nutrition, adequate warm-up, and specific drills for endurance, strength, agility and speed.
The Soccer Training Diet
While, it's obvious a certain level of fitness is involved to be an excellent soccer player, it should also be noted that the food you eat is vital to how you play and the player you become. To achieve a healthy diet you need to consider what are you eating. Get rid of the bad and increase the good. Take a notebook and record everything you eat for a week. For inspiration, rent and watch the movie Supersize Me. If that does not change your outlook on fast food, nothing will.
Once you cut out fast food and all the junk it's important to increase the good foods in your diet to a recommended calorie intake that can be established with your coach based for your height, muscle development and activity level. Fresh fruit, whole grains and lean meats are all amazing sources of fiber, protein and iron all of which you need to build muscle and speed. Even more important than your daily diet is the food you eat directly before a game. Avoid fried or fatty foods, whole milk, cheese, marbled meat and anything super sweet. It's also a good idea to avoid foods that digest harshly, like beans, pickled cucumbers and spices.
The Soccer Training Warm-Up
A good warm-up is essential for an effective daily workout routine and, especially, on game days. A good warm-up will raise your heart rate slowly and stretch your muscles well for the strenuous activity ahead. This warm-up should include flexibility exercises, a light jog and a good game of keep away in which you and the other players circle up and go through a variety of juggling challenges, one on one drills and games of possession. This gets your body and mind prepared for the action.
The Soccer Training Workout
For training your body to handle the stress of intense soccer action, it's important to have the right kind of workout to build the muscle you need and develop the skills necessary to perform your position at a high level. Your workout should include a routine geared around a variety of exercises including aerobic, anaerobic, plyometirc, balance exercises and some creative techniques to keep your muscles guessing and from getting stagnant in their development. For aerobic, jogging on a daily basis is a great way to keep your muscles toned and work your heart to stay in great cardio shape. Anaerobic, which is generally in the form of interval training, is the best way for soccer players to increase speed and endurance. The other forms of soccer training can be developed with the help of your coach, trainer and doctor to find the best mix of all the different exercises for your specific body and goals.
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