Generalized anxiety disorder, commonly called GAD, affects about 3% of the population. It is a constant state o worry, anxiety and fear including excessive dwelling on the things that could possibly happen. Because a person with generalized anxiety disorder continually worries, they often exhibit depression as well as anxiety.
When a person has GAD, they feel their minds can not be shut off. They think, think, think, and think some more. If only I had done this differently; what if that happens; why did I say that; if only I had done that sooner; and it goes on and on. It becomes so bad for many people with GAD that sleep is all but impossible and they can not function normally on a day-to-day basis. This causes a lack of energy and loss of interesting in life in general.
Generalized anxiety disorder can cause physical symptoms as well. These include headaches, inability to focus or concentrate, shaking, twitching, insomnia, mood swings and irritability. They may be unable to relax and easily startled or "jumpy".
Generalized anxiety disorder can be successfully treated and cured once correctly diagnosed. Cognitive-behavioral therapy seems to provide the best results in addressing GAD. Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves learning to view problems and situations from a different perspective as well as learning to apply techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. Sometimes prescription medications are included in the treatment plans.
Many mental disorders can not be cured but generalized anxiety disorder is curable! If GAD is attacked from all sides, using the best treatment plan for a specific, well-motivated person, results of treatment can be seen in as little as three to six months. If you or a loved one shows signs that might be generalized anxiety disorder, a medical professional should be consulted so the disorder can be cured as quickly as possible.
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