Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In Football Marketing What Matters is Getting the Basics and Fundamentals Right

I have watched armature teams spending hours on end training day in day out. They do not have holidays, no weekends and no weekdays. Everyday is a football day. When two armature teams meet it is very difficult to see the difference for an untrained eye. Each team stands its ground. But, every time these armature teams meet the professional outfit that is when you see the gulf in abilities. They lick goals in dozens. These armature teams spend equal time some times more time training than the professionals. But why can't armature outfits hold their own when they meet professionals? Why do they get beaten convincingly? Michael Jordan deciphered this mystery for us, he said:

"It comes down to a very simple saying: there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. You can practice shooting eight hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way.

Chelsea Fanclub

Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise."

All the armature teams are doing through these hours of training day in day out is practicing the wrong techniques, they get the fundamentals wrong and become experts in doing the wrong things. That is why the get a pasting every time they play professional outfits.

This is true with football marketing as well. I have seen clubs doing TV adverts, setting up street posters, opening supporter branches and doing all kinds of things with little or negligible difference. The stadiums continue to be empty on match days. The support base continues to be lukewarm and the benefits from fans continue to elude these clubs.

These clubs have got the fundamentals and basics wrong. They have simply become experts at doing the wrong things.

In football marketing fundamentals involve getting fan relationships right and putting in place community activities that keep you in the mind of the fans. When you get these fundamental down the level of everything you do will rise vis-à-vis filling your stadium and fan growth.

In Football Marketing What Matters is Getting the Basics and Fundamentals Right

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